Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Recuperation and change

I’m taking a break from novel-writing this week, partly because my shoulder is worse again and I want to see if a rest will help, and partly so that I can gear up for the final section of the novel.

Because my characters are going to change, I need to change before writing about them. I need to let the end brew. And, most importantly, I have to be full of energy so that I can end with a bang (not a whimper).

Apart from all that, the 'to do' list is growing, so I'll catch up on one or two other things. Probably not the tidying/sorting of my writing-room however ('mucking-out' as Jilly Cooper calls it) as I find it hard to write if the room's too sterile. I shall look forward to doing that when this draft is finished.

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