Because I want this blog to be personal and honest, I’m going to let you into a big big secret.
I have a spirit who looks after me. I call her an angel because that helps me to visualise her but I don't know if that's what she is. I can ask her for anything and if I’m specific in my request and ask with enough conviction - if I really really want what I’m asking for and if I'm prepared to take the consequences – then she gives me what I want. And that’s anything – even a car on one occasion.
On Monday when I was stuck on the novel I appealed to her for help. A couple of hours later the idea for this blog arrived fully formed – title, template, direction, first post.
The interesting thing is however that I can’t remember whether I asked her for help with moving my writing on in general or whether I asked her for help with moving on The Novel.
In other words, is it OK to spend so much time dealing with the stream of ideas for posts for this blog that are now flowing or should I be directing my creativity to something more Serious and Important?
As spontaneity is revealing itself as the key to this blog, I think the answer to that question is probably to follow the stream and see where it takes me.
Thank you, angel.
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